Monday 12 October 2009

Clinton at Queens University Belfast

The show now moves from Stormont to Queen's University at quite a pace thanks to the job done by Close Protection Unit and motorcycle outriders who kindly stop all traffic (guys any chance I could borrow you for rush hour at home time???)

Queens is a business focused event. Unfortunately it is a closed event so am not allowed to hear all that is said. As it turns out the event despite the best intentions of embassy, consulate and other staff overran a bit so I hope this was a good sign. This I believe shows the Clinton focus on the issue of Northern Ireland and its prosperity its hard to imagine another world leader giving so much time to 'our wee country'.

The Secretary was joined by Economic Envoy Declan Kelly who is always exceptionally polite and is a man with a mission to deliver results. His total focus is productivity and refreshingly whilst he recognises the need for politicians will not be distracted by them.

Queen's University won the admiration of the press corps by laying on very welcome refreshments. Brownie point successfully attained so say Washington Post and ABC.

After a long wait (apologies to all those people waiting at City Hall)the Secretary accompanied by a range of business leaders as well as Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Arlene Foster and Minister of Employment and Learning Sir Reg Empey.

The remarks by the Secretary were again a call for political stability so that focus can be placed on the economy. She celebrated not only the traditional and personal ties to Northern Ireland but also a hope that we can develop a mutually beneficial relationship.

Controversial time...Perhaps we in Northern Ireland could at least start to look at ways that we can return the massive political and economic favour that has been shown to us?

A few questions by Mark Devenport and Ken Reid and then the New York Times who gave us a reminder that Northern Ireland is not the only focus for the Secretary of State when he asked about missile tests in North Korea.

Set against this and other international backdrops (Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Israel/Gaza...) Northern Ireland is truly lucky that a place of 1.7million people engenders such good will from. the most powerful country in the world.

Right...the blogger has been shouted for and I have my escort of secret service and US Airforce officers ...or was I hanging on at the end? Delusions of grandeur are soon erased when the charming head of motorcade Scott in his own lovely way says GET ON THE BUS!

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