Monday, 7 March 2011

Irish Government and National Recovery

I spent a day in Dublin next week it was cold, bright but pleasant. Election posters hung on lamp posts with almost a kind of sad look. So the elections is all changed utterly is a terrible beauty born? Speaking to a few friends the answer would have to be no not really. The faces have changed but the problems and peoples fears of job losses and higher taxes have not gone.

There is an anger at all politicians. As I got off the train various papers had the story that the politicians had been ignoring the warnings from the Department for Finance for 10 years. This colours the anger.

It is easy to over hear the anger at Bertie and who pays for the tribunals, anger at the Cowen government for perceived arrogance and big pay packets and redundnacy payments. Business are very wary and waiting to see what happens.

Despite the newly elected TDs cheering and on people shoulders at the election centres the overall atmosphere was gloom. Now its time to see when the cheering stops and what the new government can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Angie and I am a student at Otterbein University in Ohio, USA. I am currently taking a theology class and studying about Northern Ireland. I have studied a small amount about the the history and conflicts between the Catholics and Protestants in NI. I was wandering if you could give me some personal insight and your opinion about these matters.