Wednesday 20 May 2009

Selecting a new Speaker

This has been cobbled together from various sites. Essentially, Mr Martin will step down as Speaker on June 21st and an election of a new Speaker will be held the following day. This will be a secret ballot of MPs and the successful candidate must secure over 50% of the votes. Any candidate will require to be proposed by 12 MPs.

So who is next? Vince Cable (Lib Dem) - popular public choice and as such could bring back their trust quicker than others. Frank Field (Lab)the former Minister for Welfare. Sir George Young (Con)who is Chair of the House of Commons Standards and Privileges Committee. Sir Alan Hazelhurst (Con)who is the most senior Deputy Speaker but who may be tainted by the recent expenses scandal. Sir Menzies Campbell (Lib Dem) who was leader of the Liberal Democrats and is well liked.

A range of others who media speculation has fallen on include: John Bercow (Con), Richard Taylor (Ind) and Sylvia Heal (Lab).

Even Joanna Lumley is in at 1000 - 1 and who would be so churlish as to say no to Purdy.

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