Monday 17 November 2008

Progress this week?

Rumour mill has it that there may be significant progress this week on getting the Executive up and running again. The First and Deputy First Minister are due to meet this week in closed session to discuss policing and justice amongst other things.

The quicker this is sorted out the better. There are many decisions that affect the ordinary everyday lives of people that have been set aside by issues that were always going to be tricky. In the present economic climate this cannot be allowed to continue. Issues from fuel poverty to construction jobs need tackled at Executive level now. Or do they?

Travelling with some friends from Dublin this morning we listened to Margaret Ritchie say that she was trying to tackle fuel poverty and that there was a written procedure that did not require the Executive to meet. My friends asked if decisions can be made through another procedure then why is an Executive needed?

This highlights the frustration felt by people who are not even from here so what must it be like for families facing someone in the house become unemployed in the teeth of Christmas?

The Ministers all need to hurry up, meet and take action whilst anyone who has any faith in politics still cares.

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